Swiss GmbH to AG Conversion

GmbH to AG conversion sorted

We take care of the whole process – from personal legal advice on the matter to the legal documents and coordination with authorities. Fast and for a transparent flat-fee.

Conversion process

The capital requirements for the AG must be met when converting a GmbH into an AG. A capital increase is therefore usually the first step. This involves increasing the share capital to at least CHF 100,000.

The process itself is similar to an incorporation: A notarized general meeting is required, new articles of association must be drawn up, and the board of directors must be (re-)appointed. In addition, an auditor is required to evaluate the financial situation of the company.

Conversion steps

  1. 1
    Kick-off & expert session

    Our legal experts will explain the conversion process and discuss the key parameters with you including the current setup, the desired target structure, and the implications of the balance sheet analysis.

  2. 2
    Legal documents

    We will prepare all the necessary legal documents for the capital increase as well as the conversion of your company into an AG.

  3. 3

    LEXR will coordinate the process with all involved stakeholders (i.e. the auditor, the accountant, and the notary) before you then sign all the required documents.

  4. 4

    The conversion of your GmbH into an AG will be formally closed in front of our notary public.

Flat fee: CHF 2’500 (excl. VAT and notary fees)


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Why convert it with LEXR?

Transparent pricing with one-time, fixed-fees

Expert know how and best practices documentation

Personal legal advice tailored to your case with focal point of contact

Fast delivery through efficient processes

About us

We’re a growing team of 30+ legal professionals. Some of our experts include:

  • 1

    Michele is focused on corporate and commercial law and has a strong background in M&A transactions. At LEXR he advises Swiss and international founders, start-ups, and investors – from incorporation to the first investment rounds, risk financing, complex business transactions, and exits. 

    Michele Vitali, Head of Startup Financing & Venture Capital, Legal Expert 

  • 2

    Jana uses her expertise in corporate and commercial law to assist founders and investors with incorporation, financing, and exit strategies. Her experience as a startup founder prior to joining LEXR uniquely positions her to understand and effectively address clients’ challenges. 

    Jana Huwyler, Legal Counsel 

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